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My Miracle Morning Routine

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If you follow me on IG, you noticed that I’ve been sharing cute little graphics that detail my daily to-do list. The first item on that list is always “Morning Routine”. If you ever wondered what my morning routine entails or how to create your own morning routine, this post is for you.

S.A.V.E.R.S Method

In 2014 I discovered the SAVERS method, also known as “The Miracle Morning Routine”, while scrolling through Pinterest. I’ve followed this method on and off for years and modified it as I saw fit for my life.

The SAVERS method was made popular by a book named “The Miracle Mornings” written by Hal Elrod. I haven’t read the book, but I’ve practiced the method and it works.

The traditional SAVERS method is broken down in this order:

  • Silence
  • Affirmations
  • Visualization
  • Exercise
  • Read
  • Scribe

Morning Routine

My morning routine sets the tone for my day and establish structure in my life. My version of this method looks more like this:

  • Devotional & Pray: I start my day with a devotional on the Bible app, which allows me to invite God into my day and build on my relationship with him. (7 to 10 minutes)
  • Meditation & Shine Check-in: I’ve used apps like Calm, Liberate and Oak for guided meditations. Recently, I’ve been obsessed with the Shine app and it’s the only app I use. (10 to 15 minutes)
  • Journal: I’ve been journaling for over 10 years ( I still have every journal since I was 13). In the beginning, it was hard because I had no idea where to start. So I started by using prompts that I found online, specifically Pinterest. Over the years, I’ve gotten better at journaling my feelings and thoughts without a prompt, but on days when I feel stuck, I still use prompts. Check out my “journal prompt” highlight on Instagram for daily journaling prompts. (10 – 15 minutes)
  • Read: Although protecting my peace and disconnecting from bad news is important, I can’t be oblivious to what’s going on around me, so my morning reading consists of articles on NPR for news & politics, Vogue, Essence and Marie Claire for latest in fashion. Every check-in on the Shine app has an article that relates to their daily topic, so I read those sometimes. (15 – 20 minutes)
  • Stretch: I stretch every morning. I use a stretching guide that I found on Pinterest. Doing this every morning helps boost my energy for the day and keeps my blood flowing. (5 minutes)

So, how do I manage to wake up & do all this?

I wake up between 4:30 and 5:30 am,  depending on how I feel that morning or what time I went to bed the night before. 

Discipline is something I’ve been trying to implement this year and getting up early is one of the things I’ve been able to master through it. Getting up every day at 5 am is something I’ve tried for years, but always fell off after a while. This time, I had to change my mindset.

One of the questions I get asked a lot is how the hell do I do it. Let me tell you, it is NOT easy. I have about 10 alarms set up between my phone and my Alexa speaker and I sleep through the first 5. Also, I charge my phone away from my bed which gives me a reason to get out of bed to turn it off. 

5 Tips for Creating Your Own Routine

  • Think about your “best” days: What made those days amazing? How can you incorporate those things into your morning routine?
  • Do what works for you: A morning routine is not one size fits all. I am 23 years old with a 9-5 job living at home with no kids. I have the luxury of curating my days and have everything go as planned. My routine is not realistic for someone who is a wife, a mother, or a caregiver. I urge you to find what works for you and your life and do it, but make sure to do it consistently.
  • Write down your routine: I’m the queen of creating spreadsheets & documents for everything. I have my morning & night routine written on a piece of paper and attached to my vision board.
  • Give yourself grace: One thing I came to learn is that every day is not going to be the same. If I wake up one day and don’t have the time or energy to complete a 5 step morning routine, that’s ok. I’ve learned to not be hard on myself. Waking up, getting out of bed, and having breath in my lungs is always enough. Tomorrow is a new day with a new opportunity to start over.
  • Make sure it brings you joy: If your morning routine doesn’t get you excited, stop it. Don’t do anything for the sake of being or looking productive. Although I dread getting up so early, I enjoy the feeling I get after meditation and prayer. I look forward to that feeling every day and that’s what keeps me consistent.

As always, thank you for reading!

I hope this post helped you in any way and I hope it gave you the motivation you need to create your own morning routine. Check out this posts I wrote four years ago on my “Weekend Prep for a Successful Week”


  1. Ikea
    July 6, 2020 / 2:13 pm

    Here from Mattie’s challenge. I really love your routine. I’ve been trying to prepare my mind for the day instead of going straight to my phone when I wake up. Prayer is a must, but I love that you meditate/check in and you also make time to be aware of what’s going on. I’m going to try and incorporate some of your steps into my morning routine as well. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Maria
    July 6, 2020 / 3:51 pm

    Yes, thank you for reading. This routine has really made my days a lot better.

  3. Vanessa
    July 7, 2020 / 3:28 pm

    I love it! New subscriber, here from the consistency challenge! Great post and page!

  4. July 7, 2020 / 11:56 pm

    You have great discipline! I like the structure of your morning routine. It’s a great way to start your day

  5. Maria
    July 9, 2020 / 10:53 pm

    Thank you, it definitely took time to build and remain consistent.

  6. Maria
    July 9, 2020 / 10:54 pm

    Yay! Thank you for reading and subscribing.

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