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5 Reason to Cultivate a Strong Ecosystem

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Biologically speaking, an ecosystem is ” a group of interconnected elements, formed by the interaction of a community of organism with their environment”. I’m not here to talk about the ecosystem in relation to animals and plants (that’s why we take those unnecessary core curriculum classes for.) I’m talking about the ecosystem we create ourselves. Our environment, our friendships, support system and the company we keep around all make up our personal ecosystem. If you listen to The Friendzone Podcast, Fran ( @heyfranhey) talks a lot about having a supportive ecosystem. It got me to thinking, do the people I keep around me create a safe space for me?

This is something I think about a lot. My energy is so dependent on the energy around me, that I can’t afford to have negative vibes around me. Example, if I go to work happy and in a positive mood but my coworkers are all having a bad day, my energy soaks up all those bad vibes and all of the sudden I’m having a bad day. I know this is very dangerous because I give external factors the power to affect my energy, but while I’m working on fixing that it’s super important to me that people that I choose to call friends or keep in my circle create a safe space for me to be myself and to support me.

I can proudly say, everyone in my circle does provide a safe space for me. I’ve seen the benefits and growth that comes from that.
These are some of the reasons why I think having a strong ecosystem is important.

1. Helps Growth: one thing about my circle is we are all different, even though we have a lot of similarities that brought us together, our differences make our friendship. Too much similarity can inhibit growth.
2. You can be yourself: when I’m around I never have to fake it, I can be my weird, talkative self with no judgment. Although they might throw some shade at the fact that I can’t get the lyrics right to any song, but I’m comfortable to sing off tune at the top of my lungs making up my own damn lyrics.
3. Support: you know how your parents use to show up to your little league events cheering you on, even though you suck? My friends are kinda like that, except they provide constructive criticism and not have me out here looking stupid.
4. Accountability: When I tell my friends I need to lose weight, write a blog post and get my life together, I know I have to actually do it. These people are going to make sure I get it done, whether they have to go to the gym with me, edit my posts, volunteer to take my pictures.
5. ” They want to see you do good, but never better than them”: This mindset stems from jealousy, and people who might be jealous of your success can’t be part of your ecosystem.

I’m not saying Y’all need to cut off all your friends, but just be mindful of the people who you surround yourself with. Do they provide you with those things I listed? Most importantly do you provide them the same in return?



  1. Sophie
    August 30, 2018 / 2:57 pm

    I honestly loved this post! You did a such beautiful job on explaining pivotal points. Truth be told, a lot of people fail to realize we mirror those that surrounds us; whether it is done consciously or subconsciously. I like to think of ourselves as individuals that adhere the process photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which a plant uses the energy from the light of the sun to make its own food. Well it’s practically the same thing when it comes to us humans! People in your inner circle are symbolically “the light” in our lives. The energy that is created by design to fuel further production and nourshiment to our bodies. Want to determine if you have the right group of friends? Note whether you are fruitfully multiplying/expanding in aspects of your life that YOUR friends are apart of…
    Food for though

    P.s: my friend is amazingly AMAZING! This is an absolute hit babes❤️

  2. Maria
    September 6, 2018 / 12:00 pm

    love, love this

  3. Chevonne
    October 27, 2018 / 7:40 pm

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