I’m a fitted pants type of girl, but every now and then, I like cute loose fit pants. I purchased these slouchy pants from Zara a few months ago. At first, I was a little intimidated, but I learned how to style it. Now I can’t stop wearing it. See how I styled it in three different ways. Option 1…
Instead of wallowing in the seasonal depression that I normally experience around my birthday, I decided to take a quick girls trip. I spent 2 days in Havana, Cuba and had the time of my life.
Christmas season is my favorite time of the year for very obvious reasons. I love spending time with family and seeing friends that I haven't seen all year. Personally, Christmas is more about spending time with loved ones than it is about gifts but, I must say I love buying gifts for others.
Disclosure: This post contain affiliated links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links. It’s been less than 5 hours since I left the windy city ( Chicago ) and my skin was not having it with the weather. Going from 80 degrees to 29 degrees and back to 80 degrees is hard…