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Mindful skincare: Here’s how and why you should try it

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What is mindfulness?

According to, “mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not over-reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.” In a nutshell, mindfulness is about wholehearted consciousness and presence.

When last did you check in with yourself? We live busy lives and our minds tend to be switched on nearly all of the time — we often don’t take the time to completely unwind and be present. When we go long periods of time living in a constant state of stress and going through the motions of a demanding fast-paced lifestyle, we start to experience burnout and (in extreme cases) can develop depression.

This is where mindfulness steps in – by incorporating mindfulness in your daily routine, you begin to reap the benefits of its impact on your mental wellbeing.

I’ve been loving this face mask from Jacq’s Skincare. It’s extremely moisturizing and has a tingling sensation that wakes the skin up.

Skincare Favorites

How and why should mindfulness be part of my skincare routine?

In my post, the three habits that changed my life for the better, I talked about how incorporating mindfulness into my skincare changed my life. Having a solid skincare routine already has a myriad of physical benefits (hello, anti-aging!), but it’s also a sensory experience that allows us a brief moment in time to tune in to our bodies and our minds.

Whether your skincare routine takes five or fifteen minutes, it’s a dedicated moment of time to allow yourself to be completely present. It’s a time for connection. During my skincare routine, I ask myself these questions; What am I feeling right now? Where am I? What am I smelling? What can I hear?

Mindfulness is also about uplifting your mood! Maybe play some music in the morning when you’re getting ready for work or take a couple of deep belly breathes as you’re taking your makeup off and getting ready for bed. A mindful skincare routine can help you destress, which can contribute to healthier-looking skin – a bonus!

When incorporating mindfulness into your skincare routine, try also to be conscious of the products you’re using and where you’re buying them from.

Don’t be swayed by descriptions that include words like ‘natural’, ‘organic’, ‘balanced’ or ‘clean’, make time to research what ingredients are in your skincare products, as well as the companies you buy from – this will give you peace of mind that you’re putting the best on your skin and consciously taking the time to look out for your sweet self.


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