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Recently I went kayaking with some friends for the very first time. It amaze me how much activities that are available locally, That I’ve never tried. I made a promise to myself this year that I would let out my adventurous side and do things I’ve always wanted to do. Having friends who are as adventurous as I am makes me so happy, because they are always down to try anything and are extremely open minded. Next step is rock climbing and eventually skydiving.



Although, I wasn’t able to capture much with my camera, I did capture the entire experience on snapchat ( where you can follow me @bellarosablog ). At first, I was bit scared because as adventurous as I am I don’t mess with large body of water; the pool is just fine. To my surprise the tides were low that day and the water was super shallow. Me and my boyfriend had a double ( canoe), which meant we had to paddle in sync, Well that didn’t work out lol. Overall, it was an amazing experience, very refreshing and therapeutic.


What are some adventurous things have you done? Let me know in the comments…


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