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Everyday Style | #StyleMondays

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Outfit Details 

Top- Pacsun ( SHOP HERE)

Jeans- Pacsun (SHOP HERE)

Cardigan- Pacsun ( SHOP HERE)

Shoes- H&M ( SHOP HERE) also seen HERE

Hat- Thrifted



Similar Recommendations

Same jeans, different color for CHEAPER price ( SHOP HERE)

These Aldo Boots

H&M Cardigan

IMG_6889 IMG_6895

Hey Guys! HAPPY MONDAY, I’m always so hype whenever I say happy Monday. Like I’ve mentioned in the past, something about Mondays really excite me, despite the fact that we have to go back to work/school. Monday’s are like new years, it’s an opportunity to forget what happen over the weekend and start fresh. Since my Monday class don’t start until 12:30, I like to start the day off, by going to the gym to either attend a spin class or simply workout. During my time at the gym, I take the opportunity to have mental conversations with myself ( sometimes verbal ) and set my goals for the week and meditate. I like to go home, put on my face mask and worship to my gospel playlist. idk! I just feel like my Monday routine help me prepare myself for anything that I may face during the week. I take time to feed myself with positive thoughts and thinking. I think it’s really important for everybody to find a day of the week, where they can spend time with themselves and meditate and prepare themselves for the week ahead. And If I haven’t said it enough HAPPY MONDAY!

Today’s post I wanted to share an everyday outfit, this what I typically wear to school during the cooler seasons. I love cardigans, they make any outfit look more conservative without looking to stuffy ( like a blazer tends to do). I love them wearing especially when wearing crop tops, to avoid to much exposure.

Let me know what you think about the look and what day of the week is your “monday”?


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