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10 Daily Affirmations

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I strongly believe one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day. In knowing that I make it a routine to feed positive words ( affirmations) to myself. I’m a hard believer in the saying” Death and life are in the power of the tongue”.  what you speak over your life is a reflection of your life. I remember being in middle school and hating the way I look. I would wake up every morning and look in the mirror and say “eww”. For that entire day, I observed other students and find people who I thought- at the time, was uglier than me and compared myself to them. I allowed myself to carry on that attitude for the whole day, every day and let me tell you IT’S DRAINING! So on this journey of finding myself, I discovered the acronym ” SAVERS”. It’s a practice that can be done every morning to help you start your day on a productive, positive note. The acronym stands for, S- Silence, A- Affirmation, V- Visualizing, E- exercise, R- reading, S- Scribe/write. You can learn more about it here.  Affirmation is my favorite part of this routine because I realize the difference it makes when I look in the mirror and say to myself “you are beautiful, you are loved and you are a conquerer”. Anyone can look at you and say ” hey, you’re really pretty” or ” you beautiful girl”, but when you say it to yourself, it makes a world of a difference.

So with all that being said…

[bctt tweet=”Here’re 10 words you should speak over your Life every morning” username=”bellarosablog_”]

You can say them out loud to yourself or write them in a journal.

  1. I am Beautiful 
  2. I am indestructible
  3. I am at peace
  4. I am present; exactly where I’m supposed to be
  5. I am blessed
  6. I am grateful; for life, friends, family, shelter…etc
  7. I am healthy
  8. I am the architect of my life
  9. I am Successful; you define what ” success” means to you
  10. I am Enough 




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