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Coffee Talk : Women Supporting Women

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Happy Monday! I am so excited to be out of school, finals are finally over and I finally feel like I can put more time on my blog. This semester was a series of ups and downs, but like everything in life, they all come to an end. Today I’m starting something new, like I’ve always said I want this blog to be more than beauty and fashion, so I’m introducing this series call ” Coffee Talk “, I will be discussing topics that are dear to my heart and can be helpful to some. As of right now, these post will be up every other Monday, so about 2-3 times a month.

We are currently in a time where more and more women are becoming entrepreneurs or an a leadership positions. In fact, there are 350 million women worldwide who are either an entrepreneur or in a leadership role. I honestly believe those numbers can continue to rise, if we had more support. Let’s be clear, this is not a race of trying to outdo males, this is to wipe out the slavery mentality that women can’t be leaders.

I believe when women come together and genuinely support each other, amazing things can and will happen. For some people this might be an easy task, while this simple act might seem impossible to others. The number one thing that keeps women from supporting others is jealousy. Everyone wants to get to the top, even if that mean pushing someone down to touch the finish line. We can change that mindset, simply by changing the way we think. This might sound crazy, but your entire life is based on how you think. Changing the way you think, will change your life. So if we all had the attitude that ” there’s enough food for all of us to eat” or ” what’s for me will always be for me” there would be more women supporting each other. I believe all it takes is for a rising entrepreneur or a leader to support or help others who want to be in their position and not feel threatened. I want to live in a world where we all can whole hands and march in sync.

Seriously image if all women supported each other and not feel threatened by one another.


Lets have a conversation, what do you feel is one of the biggest reasons why women won’t support each other? let me know in the comments bellow.



  1. May 2, 2016 / 4:28 pm

    Ouuu! I am definitely feeling this segment! I completely agree with you 100%. When I read this blog, I thought about the excerpt in Beyonce’s Flawless where the woman talks about how women are taught to have just enough ambition– to be the right amount of successful, so that men won’t be threatened. Aside from women being jealous of each other, I just don’t think that some women (and men too) were taught to genuinely be happy for others and their accomplishments. We as people look at other individuals and wonder why they are the same age as us and they seem to have their lives together and we don’t. I think that the problem is deeper than jealously, I think its about comparison. People need to completely stop comparing their lives to others and understand that everyone is different and we all have different journeys. If that happened, jealousy would be eliminated.

  2. Maria
    May 4, 2016 / 3:20 pm

    love this response, I won’t lie I think we all do it ( including myself) as far as comparing our lives to others. I hate when I do it, but I stop myself when I start comparing my success/failure to someone else. thanks for the comment love.

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